


crecy; ‘Women are but children of a larger growth。。。A man of sense only trifles with them; plays with them; humours and flatters them’; which; since children always hear what they are not meant to; and sometimes; even; grow up; may have somehow leaked out; so that the whole ceremony of pouring out tea is a curious one。 A woman knows very well that; though a wit sends her his poems; praises her judgment; solicits her criticism; and drinks her tea; this by no means signifies that he respects her opinions; admires her understanding; or will refuse; though the rapier is denied him; to run her through the body with his pen。 All this; we say; whisper it as low as we can; may have leaked out by now; so that even with the cream jug suspended and the sugar tongs distended the ladies may fidget a little; look out of the window a little; yawn a little; and so let the sugar fall with a great plop—as Orlando did now—into Mr Pope’s tea。 Never was any mortal so ready to suspect an insult or so quick to avenge one as Mr Pope。 He turned to Orlando and presented her instantly with the rough draught of a certain famous line in the ‘Characters of Women’。 Much polish was afterwards bestowed on it; but even in the original it was striking enough。 Orlando received it with a curtsey。 Mr Pope left her with a bow。 Orlando; to cool her cheeks; for really she felt as if the little man had struck her; strolled in the nut grove at the bottom of the garden。 Soon the cool breezes did their work。 To her amazement she found that she was hugely relieved to find herself alone。 She watched the merry boatloads rowing up the river。 No doubt the sight put her in mind of one or two incidents in her past life。 She sat herself down in profound meditation beneath a fine willow tree。 There she sat till the stars were in the sky。 Then she rose; turned; and went into the house; where she sought her bedroom and locked the door。 Now she opened a cupboard in which hung still many of the clothes she had worn as a young man of fashion; and from among them she chose a black velvet suit richly trimmed with Veian lace。 It was a little out of fashion; indeed; but it fitted her to perfection and dressed in it she looked the very figure of a noble Lord。 She took a turn or two before the mirror to make sure that her petticoats had not lost her the freedom of her legs; and then let herself secretly out of doors。

It was a fine night early in April。 A myriad stars mingling with the light of a sickle moon; which again was enforced by the street lamps; made a light infinitely being to the human countenance and to the architecture of Mr Wren。 Everything appeared in its tenderest form; yet; just as it seemed on the point of dissolution; some drop of silver sharpened it to animation。 Thus it was that talk should be; thought Orlando (indulging in foolish reverie); that society should be; that friendship should be; that love should be。 For; Heaven knows why; just as we have lost faith in human intercourse some random collocation of barns and trees or a haystack and a waggon presents us with so perfect a symbol of what is unattainable that we begin the search again。

She entered Leicester Square as she made these observations。 The buildings had an airy yet formal symmetry not theirs by day。 The canopy of the sky seemed most dexterously washed in to fill up the outline of roof and chimney。 A young woman who sat dejectedly with one arm drooping by her side; the other reposing in her lap; on a seat beneath a plane tree in the middle of the square seemed the very figure of grace; simplicity; and desolation。 Orlando swept her hat off to her in the manner of a gallant paying his addresses to a lady of fashion in a public place。 The young woman raised her head。 It was of the most exquisite shapeliness。 The young woman raised her eyes。 Orlando saw them to be of a lustre such as is sometimes seen on teapots but rarely in a human face。 Through this silver glaze the young woman looked up at him (for a man he was to her) appealing; hoping; trembling; fearing。 She rose; she accepted his arm。 For—need we stress the point?—she was of the tribe which nightly burnishes their wares; and sets them in order on the mon counter to wait the highest bidder。 She led Orlando to the room in Gerrard Street which was her lodging。 To feel her hanging lightly yet like a suppliant on her arm; roused in Orlando all the feelings which bee a man。 She looked; she felt; she talked like one。 Yet; having been so lately a woman herself; she suspected that the girl’s timidity and her hesitating answers and the very fumbling with the key in the latch and the fold of her cloak and the droop of her wrist were all put on to gratify her masculinity。 Upstairs they went; and the pains which the poor creature had been at to decorate her room and hide the fact that she had no other deceived Orlando not a moment。 The deception roused her scorn; the truth roused her pity。 One thing showing through the other bred the oddest assortment of feeling; so that she did not know whether to laugh or to cry。 Meanwhile Nell; as the girl called herself; unbuttoned her gloves; carefully concealed the left–hand thumb; which wanted mending; then drew behind a screen; where; perhaps; she rouged her cheeks; arranged her clothes; fixed a new kerchief round her neck—all the time prattling as women do; to amuse her lover; though Orlando could have sworn; from the tone of her voice; that her thoughts were elsewhere。 When all was ready; out she came; prepared—but here Orlando could stand it no longer。 In the strangest torment of anger; merriment; and pity she flung off all disguise and admitted herself a woman。

At this; Nell burst into such a roar of laughter as might have been heard across the way。

‘Well; my dear;’ she said; when she had somewhat recovered; ‘I’m by no means sorry to hear it。 For the plain Dunstable of the matter is’ (and it was remarkable how soon; on discovering that they were of the same sex; her manner changed and she dropped her plaintive; appealing ways); ‘the plain Dunstable of the matter is; that I’m not in the mood for the society of the other sex to–night。 Indeed; I’m in the devil of a fix。’ Whereupon; drawing up the fire and stirring a bowl of punch; she told Orlando the whole story of her life。 Since it is Orlando’s life that engages us at present; we need not relate the adventures of the other lady; but it is certain that Orlando had never known the hours speed faster or more merrily; though Mistress Nell had not a particle of wit about her; and when the name of Mr Pope came up in talk asked innocently if he were connected with the perruque maker of that name in Jermyn Street。 Yet; to Orlando; such is the charm of ease and the seduction of beauty; this poor girl’s talk; larded though it was with the monest expressions of the street corners; tasted like wine after the fine phrases she had been used to; and she was forced to the conclusion that there was something in the sneer of Mr Pope; in the condescension of Mr Addison; and in the secret of Lord Chesterfield which took away her relish for the society of wits; deeply though she must continue to respect their works。

These poor creatures; she ascertained; for Nell brought Prue; and Prue Kitty; and Kitty Rose; had a society of their own of which they now elected her a member。 Each would tell the story of the adventures which had landed her in her present way of life。 Several were the natural daughters of earls and one was a good deal nearer than she should have been to the King’s person。 None was too wretched or too poor but to have some ring or handkerchief in her pocket which stood her in lieu of pedigree。 So they would draw round the punch–bowl which Orlando made it her business to furnish generously; and many were the fine tales they told and many the amusing observations they made; for it cannot be denied that when women get together—but hist—they are always careful to see that the doors are shut and that not a word of it gets into print。 All they desire is—but hist again—is that not a man’s step on the stair? All they desire; we were about to say when the gentleman took the very words out of our mouths。 Women have no desires; says this gentleman; ing into Nell’s parlour; only affectations。 Without desires (she has served him and he is gone) their conversation cannot be of the slightest interest to anyone。 ‘It is well known’; says Mr S。 W。; ‘that when they lack the stimulus of the other sex; women can find nothing to say to each other。 When they are alone; they do not talk; they scratch。’ And since they cannot talk together and scratching cannot continue without interruption and it is well known (Mr T。 R。 has proved it) ‘that women are incapable of any feeling of affection for their own sex and hold each other in the greatest aversion’; what can we suppose that women do when they seek out each other’s society?

As that is not a question that can engage the attention of a sensible man; let us; who enjoy the immunity of all biographers and historians from any sex whatever; pass it over; and merely state that Orlando professed great enjoyment in the society of her own sex; and leave it to the gentlemen to prove; as they are very fond of doing; that this is impossible。

But to give an exact and particular account of Orlando’s life at this time bees more and more out of the question。 As we peer and grope in the ill–lit; ill–paved; ill–ventilated courtyards that lay about Gerrard Street and Drury Lane at that time; we seem now to catch sight of her and then again to lose it。 The task is made still more difficult by the fact that she found it convenient at this time to change frequently from one set of clothes to another。 Thus she often occurs in contemporary memoirs as ‘Lord’ So–and–so; who was in fact her cousin; her bounty is ascribed to him; and it is he who is said to have written the poems that were really hers。 She had; it seems; no difficulty in sustaining the different parts; for her sex changed far more frequently than those who have worn only one set of clothing can conceive; nor can there be any doubt that she reaped a twofold harvest by this device; the pleasures of life were increased and its experiences multiplied。 For the probity of breeches she exchanged the seductiveness of petticoats and enjoyed the love of both sexes equally。

So then one may sketch her spending her morning in a China robe of ambiguous gender among her books; then receiving a client or two (for she had many scores of suppliants) in the same garment; then she would take a turn in the garden and clip the nut trees—for which knee–breeches were convenient; then she would change into a flowered taffeta which best suited a drive to Richmond and a proposal of marriage from some great nobleman; and so back again to town; where she would don a snuff–coloured gown like a lawyer’s and visit the courts to hear how her cases were doing;—for her fortune was wasting hourly and the suits seemed no nearer consummation than they had been a hundred years ago; and so; finally; when night came; she would more often than not bee a nobleman plete from head to toe and walk the streets in search of adventure。

Returning from some of these junketings—of which there were many st

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