be almost evening。 Sasha had been gone this hour and more。 Seized instantly with those dark forebodings which shadowed even his most confident thoughts of her; he plunged the way he had seen them go into the hold of the ship; and; after stumbling among chests and barrels in the darkness; was made aware by a faint glimmer in a corner that they were seated there。 For one second; he had a vision of them; saw Sasha seated on the sailor’s knee; saw her bend towards him; saw them embrace before the light was blotted out in a red cloud by his rage。 He blazed into such a howl of anguish that the whole ship echoed。 Sasha threw herself between them; or the sailor would have been stifled before he could draw his cutlass。 Then a deadly sickness came over Orlando; and they had to lay him on the floor and give him brandy to drink before he revived。 And then; when he had recovered and was sat upon a heap of sacking on deck; Sasha hung over him; passing before his dizzied eyes softly; sinuously; like the fox that had bit him; now cajoling; now denouncing; so that he came to doubt what he had seen。 Had not the candle guttered; had not the shadows moved? The box was heavy; she said; the man was helping her to move it。 Orlando believed her one moment—for who can be sure that his rage has not painted what he most dreads to find?—the next was the more violent with anger at her deceit。 Then Sasha herself turned white; stamped her foot on deck; said she would go that night; and called upon her Gods to destroy her; if she; a Romanovitch; had lain in the arms of a mon seaman。 Indeed; looking at them together (which he could hardly bring himself to do) Orlando was outraged by the foulness of his imagination that could have painted so frail a creature in the paw of that hairy sea brute。 The man was huge; stood six feet four in his stockings; wore mon wire rings in his ears; and looked like a dray horse upon which some wren or robin has perched in its flight。 So he yielded; believed her; and asked her pardon。 Yet when they were going down the ship’s side; lovingly again; Sasha paused with her hand on the ladder; and called back to this tawny wide–cheeked monster a volley of Russian greetings; jests; or endearments; not a word of which Orlando could understand。 But there was something in her tone (it might be the fault of the Russian consonants) that reminded Orlando of a scene some nights since; when he had e upon her in secret gnawing a candle–end in a corner; which she had picked from the floor。 True; it was pink; it was gilt; and it was from the King’s table; but it was tallow; and she gnawed it。 Was there not; he thought; handing her on to the ice; something rank in her; something coarse flavoured; something peasant born? And he fancied her at forty grown unwieldy though she was now slim as a reed; and lethargic though she was now blithe as a lark。 But again as they skated towards London such suspicions melted in his breast; and he felt as if he had been hooked by a great fish through the nose and rushed through the waters unwillingly; yet with his own consent。
It was an evening of astonishing beauty。 As the sun sank; all the domes; spires; turrets; and pinnacles of London rose in inky blackness against the furious red sunset clouds。 Here was the fretted cross at Charing; there the dome of St Paul’s; there the massy square of the Tower buildings; there like a grove of trees stripped of all leaves save a knob at the end were the heads on the pikes at Temple Bar。 Now the Abbey windows were lit up and burnt like a heavenly; many–coloured shield (in Orlando’s fancy); now all the west seemed a golden window with troops of angels (in Orlando’s fancy again) passing up and down the heavenly stairs perpetually。 All the time they seemed to be skating in fathomless depths of air; so blue the ice had bee; and so glassy smooth was it that they sped quicker and quicker to the city with the white gulls circling about them; and cutting in the air with their wings the very same sweeps that they cut on the ice with their skates。
Sasha; as if to reassure him; was tenderer than usual and even more delightful。 Seldom would she talk about her past life; but now she told him how; in winter in Russia; she would listen to the wolves howling across the steppes; and thrice; to show him; she barked like a wolf。 Upon which he told her of the stags in the snow at home; and how they would stray into the great hall for warmth and be fed by an old man with porridge from a bucket。 And then she praised him; for his love of beasts; for his gallantry; for his legs。 Ravished with her praises and shamed to think how he had maligned her by fancying her on the knees of a mon sailor and grown fat and lethargic at forty; he told her that he could find no words to praise her; yet instantly bethought him how she was like the spring and green grass and rushing waters; and seizing her more tightly than ever; he swung her with him half across the river so that the gulls and the cormorants swung too。 And halting at length; out of breath; she said; panting slightly; that he was like a million–candled Christmas tree (such as they have in Russia) hung with yellow globes; incandescent; enough to light a whole street by; (so one might translate it) for what with his glowing cheeks; his dark curls; his black and crimson cloak; he looked as if he were burning with his own radiance; from a lamp lit within。
All the colour; save the red of Orlando’s cheeks; soon faded。 Night came on。 As the orange light of sunset vanished it was succeeded by an astonishing white glare from the torches; bonfires; flaming cressets; and other devices by which the river was lit up and the strangest transformation took place。 Various churches and noblemen’s palaces; whose fronts were of white stone showed in streaks and patches as if floating on the air。 Of St Paul’s; in particular; nothing was left but a gilt cross。 The Abbey appeared like the grey skeleton of a leaf。 Everything suffered emaciation and transformation。 As they approached the carnival; they heard a deep note like that struck on a tuning–fork which boomed louder and louder until it became an uproar。 Every now and then a great shout followed a rocket into the air。 Gradually they could discern little figures breaking off from the vast crowd and spinning hither and thither like gnats on the surface of a river。 Above and around this brilliant circle like a bowl of darkness pressed the deep black of a winter’s night。 And then into this darkness there began to rise with pauses; which kept the expectation alert and the mouth open; flowering rockets; crescents; serpents; a crown。 At one moment the woods and distant hills showed green as on a summer’s day; the next all was winter and blackness again。
By this time Orlando and the Princess were close to the Royal enclosure and found their way barred by a great crowd of the mon people; who were pressing as near to the silken rope as they dared。 Loth to end their privacy and encounter the sharp eyes that were on the watch for them; the couple lingered there; shouldered by apprentices; tailors; fishwives; horse dealers; cony catchers; starving scholars; maid–servants in their whimples; orange girls; ostlers; sober citizens; bawdy tapsters; and a crowd of little ragamuffins such as always haunt the outskirts of a crowd; screaming and scrambling among people’s feet—all the riff–raff of the London streets indeed was there; jesting and jostling; here casting dice; telling fortunes; shoving; tickling; pinching; here uproarious; there glum; some of them with mouths gaping a yard wide; others as little reverent as daws on a house–top; all as variously rigged out as their purse or stations allowed; here in fur and broadcloth; there in tatters with their feet kept from the ice only by a dishclout bound about them。 The main press of people; it appeared; stood opposite a booth or stage something like our Punch and Judy show upon which some kind of theatrical performance was going forward。 A black man was waving his arms and vociferating。 There was a woman in white laid upon a bed。 Rough though the staging was; the actors running up and down a pair of steps and sometimes tripping; and the crowd stamping their feet and whistling; or when they were bored; tossing a piece of orange peel on to the ice which a dog would scramble for; still the astonishing; sinuous melody of the words stirred Orlando like music。 Spoken with extreme speed and a daring agility of tongue which reminded him of the sailors singing in the beer gardens at Wapping; the words even without meaning were as wine to him。 But now and again a single phrase would e to him over the ice which was as if torn from the depths of his heart。 The frenzy of the Moor seemed to him his own frenzy; and when the Moor suffocated the woman in her bed it was Sasha he killed with his own hands。
At last the play was ended。 All had grown dark。 The tears streamed down his face。 Looking up into the sky there was nothing but blackness there too。 Ruin and death; he thought; cover all。 The life of man ends in the grave。 Worms devour us。
Methinks it should be now a huge eclipse
Of sun and moon; and that the affrighted globe
Should yawn—
Even as he said this a star of some pallor rose in his memory。 The night was dark; it was pitch dark; but it was such a night as this that they had waited for; it was on such a night as this that they had planned to fly。 He remembered everything。 The time had e。 With a burst of passion he snatched Sasha to him; and hissed in her ear ‘Jour de ma vie!’ It was their signal。 At midnight they would meet at an inn near Blackfriars。 Horses waited there。 Everything was in readiness for their flight。 So they parted; she to her tent; he to his。 It still wanted an hour of the time。
Long before midnight Orlando was in waiting。 The night was of so inky a blackness that a man was on you before he could be seen; which was all to the good; but it was also of the most solemn stillness so that a horse’s hoof; or a child’s cry; could be heard at a distance of half a mile。 Many a time did Orlando; pacing the little courtyard; hold his heart at the sound of some nag’s steady footfall on the cobbles; or at the rustle of a woman’s dress。 But the traveller was only some merchant; making home belated; or some woman of the quarter whose errand was nothing so innocent。 They passed; and the street was quieter than before。 Then those lights which burnt downstairs in the small; huddled quarters where the poor of the city lived moved up to the sleeping–rooms; and then; one by one; were extinguished。 The street lanterns in these purlieus were few at most; and the negligence of the night watchman often suffered them to expire long before dawn。 The darkness then became even deeper than before。 Orlando looked to the wicks of his lantern; saw to the saddle girths; primed his pistols; examined his holsters; and did all these things a dozen times at least till he could find nothing more needing his attention。 Though it still lacked some twenty minutes to midnight; he could not bring himself to go indoors to the inn parlour; where the hostess was still serving sack and the cheaper sort of canary wine to a few seafaring men; who would sit there trolling their ditties; and
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